Gate-It Access Systems uses only the highest quality equipment from the top names in the business like HySecurity, Apollo, DoorKing and Liftmaster
Gate-It Access Systems uses only the highest quality equipment from the top names in the business like HySecurity, Apollo, DoorKing and Liftmaster. These trusted brands are renown for reliability and rugged durability. We carefully match gate operators with new installation requirements and use them as upgrades or replacements in existing installations.
All operators comply with UL-325 safety standards so you can be sure that your gate operates reliably and safely. Automatic gates and access systems, if not installed properly with UL-325 approved equipment, can be dangerous, particularly to small children and pets.
Gate-It also maintains an inventory of top quality gate operators and parts appropriate for many residential and commercial applications that we sell on a cash and carry basis
Gate-It Access Systems installs a wide range of access controls including keypad entry, telephone and radio controlled intercoms; card readers and hands-free gate activation. We provide solutions for rapid access by fire department and law enforcement.